Total IT Global

Dedicated & Dispatch Support to a Global Investment Company in Scotland


Dedicated and Dispatch Support

No. of Sites


No. of Countries


About the Client

Publicly listed, global investment company, headquartered in Scotland.


  • To effectively support the HQ in Scotland and the 40+ sites in globally, it was crucial to allocate direct resources to meet the client’s requirements.
  • Additionally, recognising the complexity of the project, we identified the need for secondary and tertiary support to ensure smooth operations.
  • The time constraint imposed by the client, with a short lead time to go live, necessitated a swift mobilisation of resources and a well-organised deployment plan.

Solution & Visible Results

  • In such cases, Total IT Global prioritises and streamlines processes, leveraging existing expertise and resources, while potentially seeking external assistance to augment it. However, Total IT Global fulfilled all requirements with direct resources, strategically identified locations and countries, considering their existing presence and resources, ensuring high-quality service, including primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of support.
  • Efficient communication, coordination, and effective project management become crucial to meet the client’s needs within the given timeframe. Thus, incumbent Engineers, who were already familiar with the sites and operations, were hired. This helped leverage their existing skills and ensure continuity, facilitating a smooth transition and meeting of the go-live date.
  • The assignment is now in its third year running and has been able to achieve and maintain a 98.5% SLA. Consistently meeting the performance metrics and service expectations is an indicator of Total IT Global’s efficiency, reliability, and dedication to meeting the client’s needs.

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