Total IT Global

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I would like to share my feedback for our China DSS. Your Engineers have shown excellent support for all the activities even when we lack of second DSS. Your Engineers are very good at handling users and eager to help with any issues. They showed tremendous effort and support. The customer has appreciated the Engineer’s strong technical base and onsite behaviors with users.

Your Engineer delivered excellent support to me at the Stamford Tech Café. Due to the unavailability of my IT device, the Engineer helped me promptly by giving me a loaner laptop and setting it up with remote access via Cloud. He was responsive, prompt, and helpful. I was able to do my meetings and my job with ease with the help of your Engineer.

I am writing to express my sincere appreciation for the exceptional leadership and hard work of your Engineer. His dedication and commitment to ensuring efficient Back-up and Dispatch operations have significantly contributed to our team’s success. His focus on maintaining high efficiency in dispatch operations has greatly improved our service delivery. Planning and coordination skills have ensured timely dispatches, which has positively impacted our operations. His proactive communication and openness to feedback have fostered a positive work environment. We appreciate his efforts in keeping everyone informed about dispatch statuses and potential issues. His hard work and dedication are truly appreciated. We are fortunate to have partnered with Total IT Global and look forward to achieving more milestones together.

I wanted to quickly drop a note to commend the efforts your Engineer has been putting in at the new San Francisco Office. He has done a great job setting everything up and definitely deserves some recognition for his extra efforts. Going above and beyond working extra hours to make sure we hit our goal of opening on Wednesday. We couldn’t have done it without Total IT Global.

Your Engineers have not only demonstrated technical expertise but have also exhibited kindness, patience, and a solution-oriented mindset. Their willingness to go the extra mile exemplifies the qualities we value in our team members, and I believe it is essential to recognize and appreciate such outstanding contributions. Their positive impact on the department is immeasurable, and I am confident that their continued efforts will contribute significantly to our IT’s success, assist colleagues, and maintain a positive attitude during challenging times has been commendable. Whether it’s troubleshooting complex issues or simple hardware changes, they are always a pleasure to work with.

I wanted to share some appreciation and thanks.

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to your Engineer for promptly addressing and resolving my access and Teams-related access issues today. He diligently worked for an extended period of time to restore my online access, successfully installing necessary drivers and rectifying authentication issues that had persisted unresolved for an extended period of time.

Thanks to your Engineer for his exceptional support and resolution. The Desk Support IT team are truly a valuable asset.

We have completed one-year anniversary of Go Live for our DSS Team recently. Hence,  I wanted to take a moment to extend my deepest appreciation and recognition for the incredible work that each one of you has contributed to our journey to implement and embed the DSS services over the last year. It’s truly remarkable to see the progress we’ve made and the obstacles we’ve overcome together. When we embarked on this journey, we knew it wouldn’t be easy going. There were numerous challenges right from the start but the dedication, perseverance and unwavering commitment by the current TIG Delivery team, supported by us, have brought us to this point today.

Looking ahead, I have no doubt that Total IT Global will continue to build upon this momentum and tackle whatever challenges come our way with the same level of determination and commitment to excellence. Once again, thank you for your dedication and teamwork.

Thank you for your support in showcasing the capabilities of Xperian to the customers. The demos were interactive and well-appreciated by customers. Really appreciate the commitment from the Total IT Global team to make this visit a success.

I appreciate your Engineers’ assistance in setting up our Ireland office desk monitors. Without your Engineers, we would not have the office ready for everyone next morning.

We would like to recognize the support delivered by your Engineer during the show in Italy.

Your Engineer was punctual on all days including weekends and well-coordinated with the local IT support team to replace the faulty IT equipment without any complaints/escalations from the end customer.

Your Engineer handled all end-user issues onsite with minimal or no supervision from the team and proactively shared updates on the tasks assigned.

Thank you, team, for your extended support in the coordination.

I would like to appreciate your Engineer for the excellent support provided in handling IT issues. I had the pleasure of working closely with your Engineer, and I must say that his professionalism, kindness, and exceptional communication skills have truly made a positive impact. From the moment he reached out to me with my problem, he was responsive and took immediate action to assist me. Your Engineer ensured that my technical difficulties were resolved on time, and his patient explanations throughout the process were truly appreciated. His proactive approach and ability to find a permanent solution to a problem were admirable. Your team’s commitment to deliver quality technical support has certainly exceeded.  

Your SDM and team’s dedication to this project is incredible. I appreciate his hard work, especially in challenging moments. I admire the team’s willingness to learn. They’re so close to the finish line. Keep up the great work.