Total IT Global

ISO 37001:2016

We’re ISO 37001:2016 certified

Total IT Global has established and implemented a series of measures that include setting up an anti-bribery policy, personnel controls and training, risk assessments and due diligence on projects and business associates. Our robust systems also provide for financial, commercial and contractual controls, reporting, monitoring, investigation, corrective action and continual improvement. Such an extensive implementation of processes and controls assures stakeholders of ethical business practices and reinforces employee’s commitment to anti-bribery best practices. This all-encompassing standard is integrated with our other management systems, that benefits our global operations and reiterates our commitment to being a trusted and transparent organisation.


Increased trust, transparency and credibility

Multi-level integrity and ethical culture cultivated in the organisation

Protects all Stakeholders, including Employees, Clients and Partners from bribery and corruption

Helps stakeholders in monitoring, managing and mitigating risk

Demonstrates the organisation’s commitment to ethical business practices and good governance

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